#10 – A day of little things

The floods are slowly receding so I can use my shortcut through Hungerford Common.  There are some traffic jams to contend with though! Then came a cheeky McD's breakfast! And the day finishes with a beer. Happy Heaven!

#9 – This fake advert worked

Social Media has been buzzing this afternoon with the "Leaked" advert for The National Trust. All indicators point towards The National Trust (regrettably) having nothing to do with it but I have to admit to loving it. Makes next months Mini Adventure to a fab exhibition at a National Trust House slightly cooler. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KPAcs322rg

#8 – Common life

I got to drive through Hungerford Common for the first time in months today (on the way to a massage - which in itself made me happy) but I was taken back by how much I had missed the place.  The cows will be back soon - good times a commin'

#4 – Its worth looking up

Swindon. Not the most obvious place to find Happy. But a quick glance to the sky and you can't but feel, well, happy. A cheeky glass of bubbles to celebrate Mum's birthday certainly helped me find the beauty in Swindon town centre 🙂

#2 – The joy of no mayonnaise

Amongst an angst ridden day of rain and wind I found 'happy'. Firstly in a Prêt a Manger Sandwich. No mayo and no stupid green stuff, so this was a gem of a find. And then Steph, McDonalds and Austentatious. A brilliant combination.

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